Experimental Design Lab
Client: University of Georgia–Lamar Dodd School of Art
Collaborators: Moon Jung Jang, Jake Green
Staus: Completed–Ongoing
Year: 2015
Tags: Environmental, Identity, Platform
Experimental Design Lab
Client: University of Georgia–Lamar Dodd School of Art
Collaborators: Moon Jung Jang, Jake Green
Staus: Completed–Ongoing
Year: 2015
Tags: Environmental, Identity, Platform
C-U-B-E is an experimental design lab established in the summer of 2015. The founding of the lab was a response to activate unused gallery spaces for daily cross disciplinary interaction at the Lamar Dodd School of Art. C-U-B-E aims to Collaborate on innovative design and art research; to Unite differrent areas in contemporary design culture; to Beautify our lives; to Educate each other as designers and artists. C-U-B-E represents the physical space of the gallery functioning as playground. C-U-B-E is for everyone.